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"Your Highness" Interview Question


Joshua Santana:
I have found this on a random youtube search and upon first impression, I deemed it to be a mockery of Chivalry from the actors producer and director of the Fantasy-Comedy film "Your Highness".

However, their responses shocked me and I was impressed by their unique way of promoting Chivalry (although I suspect they are coming from the Victorian Perspective and not the Medieval Perspective)

Have any of you seen the film?  If so, how was it? movies.

Sir William:
It is available on DVD if you're so inclined...I was thinking of getting it but it would only be because Natalie Portman's in it.  I've got a thing for her...and Mila Kunis.  Almost saw Black Swan just for the makeout scene between the two.  Yes, I am aware that it is an entirely juvenile thing for me...just so.

Sir James A:
I've seen the movie (Your Highness). I watched it with my wife. I didn't think much of it, and chances are if I had to choose between watching it again or smashing my fingers with a hammer, I'd go for smashing my fingers; though, admittedly, I do that sometimes accidentally. It's not that it was terrible, I just didn't care for it much, at all. I think I missed half of the "humor" by not knowing what I think they were trying to mock, but I'm not sure if it was just not funny at parts, or I wasn't getting it. I think I'd have to rate it as the worst "medieval" movie I've seen.

The best way I can think of to parallel it to something is if you've seen Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street, etc, and then watched the Scary Movie series, then it's funny. But if you haven't seen the movies that Scary Movie is mocking, a lot of the humor is just lost. That's how I felt for about half of this movie.

Sir William:
Huh...well, when it comes on cable I'm sure I'll give it a go...but thanks for the heads up.  One of the worst medieval movies I've ever seen was 'Soldier of God' - it could've been so much more...if it had better writing and in some cases, better casting.


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