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Looking for Spear for an 8th cen Scandanavian Rus.
If I were to buy a spear would you suggest:
1) Classic Viking spear head
2) Frankish Spear Head
3) Spear Head
From a useability, and then accurateness of period, standpoint?
I intend to throw this bugger & do a little cutting & whatnot.
-Ivan (soon to be Thorsteinn)
Sir James A:
From usability, I lean towards the frankish; the langets should help stop it from going too deep into targets. However, I'm far from a spear guru, and only own one.
Sir Wolf: this one out of the 3 you picked
lugged are out of fashion i believe by 8thc
Sir William:
If you're looking to throw a bit, then you'll want a smaller spear, almost javelin-like (think smaller shorter head, shorter shaft). Not sure how well a boar spear or even a lugged one would fly through the air. I suppose with enough arm strength you can throw anything...but the smaller it is, the further it will fly.
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