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Krak des Chevaliers

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Sir Edward:
Krak des Chevaliers

Krak des Chevaliers (Fortress of Knights) was an important castle during the crusades, in a strategic location and withstanding several sieges. For a period of time it was the headquarters of the Hospitallers. The one time a siege was successful against it, they had used trickery rather than open warfare, by forging a letter ordering the surrender of the castle. It was estimated that it could withstand a 5-year siege. Seriously.

--- Quote ---The castle is located east of Tartus, Syria, in the Homs Gap, atop a 650-metre-high hill.[3] It sat along the only route from Antioch to Beirut and the Mediterranean Sea. It is one of many fortresses that were part of a defensive network along the border of the old Crusader states. The fortress controlled the road to the Mediterranean, and from this base, the Hospitallers could exert some influence over Lake Homs to the east to control the fishing industry and watch for Muslim armies gathering in Syria.
--- End quote ---

My personal favorite crusader stronghold.  :)

It withstood 17 sieges by very strong armies under Saladin and Baybars reigns.
During that whole time they were literally surrounded by the armies of Islam, completely cut off from the outside world. 

Sir William:
I rode with King Baldwin to reclaim it from the DeChatillon was too bad that he did not put up a fight.  ;)

Sir Gerard de Rodes:
This is already on my "ultimate sight seeing experiences" list  ;)

Sir William, the castle in the movie Kingdom of Heaven that Reynald was trolling the countryside was Kerak, if I'm not mistaken.
Krak des Chaevaliers was owned by the Knight's Hospitaller.


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