Main > The Armoury

GDFB Maximilian Armet Helmet Review

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Sir William:

--- Quote from: Joshua Santana on 2011-08-13, 00:02:42 ---
--- Quote ---Congratulations Sir Nathan. To echo the soon to come words of Sir Wolf "buy more armor!"
--- End quote ---

--- Quote ---You mean 'Sir Joshua' of course, Sir James.

Sir have an assistant?  You mean, like a Squire?

--- End quote ---

Really!?!  I didn't know that I had a Free Squire! lol! 

--- End quote ---

I thought it was you who said you had to wait for your assistant....I just assumed you meant someone to help you armor up.  lol

Sir Brian:

--- Quote from: Joshua Santana on 2011-08-10, 20:57:43 ---Thank you Sir William.

I will be posting the pics soon, when I get my assistant ready.  But the pictures will show the Helmet and how it is put on and myself wearing it.

--- End quote ---

Congratulations on the purchase Joshua! um, did you get more pictures yet?  :)

Sir Gerard de Rodes:
Sir Joshua,
Firstly well done on a succesfull purchase over the net (it`s notoriously hard to get it right lol).
Secondly, well done on a very rounded review of such an iconic late medieval helm.
I have always loved the look of this helm and wondered what it would be like to wear. You have given me a feel for that.

Joshua Santana:
Sir Gerard:  I thank you for your kind words.  I always put effort in giving my best when writing reviews, thank you.

Sir Brian: The pictures of me wearing the helmet (no armor though) can be found on my Facebook page, look up the album "GDFB Maximilian Armet" album.  I hope that the pictures are sufficient till I find an armourer that is both skilled and willing to make a custom Maximilian Harness.

Sir William:
Where are those pics?


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