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Chain shirt sag

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You can also see it at the wrist and I think (I may be wrong here) at the bicep. Mathew Paris's Drawing of a Praying Crusader (1250) has them.

Oh god that seems as if it would be confusing, I would rather have someone whos done it before do it for me, but i dont know anyone like that

I'm sorry, I was dead wrong. Matthew Paris's piece lacks any arm ties.  However, I did find that the late 13th century, the effigy of Sir William de Valence does have lacing at the wrists and elbow.

Sir Ulrich:
Most off the shelf maille is baggy, not really that much of a problem if you're using a short sleeved haubergeon but if you want to do a full hauberk like me it can be a bit of a problem. I suggest if you're doing butted maille to tailor it, that shouldn't take too much time as I used to make TONS of that stuff back in my first days. Just keep in mind you gotta keep some slack so you can move around your arms.

I think I'm going to do the arm tie for my maille as well it's relatively tailored but fits pretty well. Just need someone experienced to show it to me in person, unless I'll do some trial and error next time I wear it.

well my GDFB hauberk just arrived yesterday, and it really is not bad at all. The biggest alteration to the sleeves will actually be to remove some of the length (Sometimes I find it will almost fall into my palms!)

But it should be easy. Working with Riveted flat ring maille is much easier than I thought it would be. I already added a horseman's slit in about 45 minutes yesterday.


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