Main > The Armoury

Well, I got my chainmail chaps

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Sir William:
You know what's funny?  He (Wolf) has this disarming smile, you'll find yourself nodding along with him whether or not you truly agree.  lol

James Barker looks like he'd enforce historicity given the opportunity...he just looks mean.  But he's really not, that's what's funny.

Where could i get padded chausess  for under im using tights atm


--- Quote from: madmanpsu on 2011-08-10, 10:59:41 ---That Amazon add definitely does state that it covers both thighs, thus it would be two pieces. I would complain profusely about this and if they are not willing to send a second one, I would return it and post a negative reveiw warning other potential buyers that it is only one. The Medieval Collectibles boots you reference are periodish for a number of time frames, but they are not authentic. It might help if you gave us an idea of the time frame you are working on. I would second the GDFB suggestion, at the price point they sell at they are the most accurate shoes you will find, they are pretty good for any price in fact. I've seen many more expensive shoes that were less authentic. I understand your budget concerns, but I would definitely save up and buy fewer quality pieces than alot of cheaper pieces of armor. In the long run, you will spend less, have a better quality armor and a better looking kit overall. I know it will take time and requires disipline and patience, but it is the better route to go. I certainly learned that lesson, fortuanately before I began to buy alot of armor, swords on the other hand... well I have a lot of very cheap wasters to test my quality blades on when I get them  ;)

--- End quote ---

I am going for late medieval - crusades

Sir William:
For the padded chausses, I would go with either Sword Nation ( or Kult of Athena ( for the best prices and largest selection- and no hassle service.

So I looked at your guys post about shoes, most of them are brown colored my surcoat is white with a black cross, and brown boots would kinda clash so im probably going to be looking for black found these but not too sure, cant find much


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