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Cross worn on back

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Thanks guys. I have not found reference to it in the limited searches I have done. So I will have to dismiss it for now as rumor and file it away. Sir Brian I like your explanation, and when I see a young lad sagging I have to say to myself.."do you know just what statement you are making?".

Sir William:
Everything I've read only mentions the crosses worn over the heart when knights first took the cross for the First was normally sewn/attached to an existing surcoat; as far as Templars go...I have not read anything to suggest other than what is commonly known.

Sir Gerard de Rodes:

--- Quote from: Ser William on 2011-08-09, 16:42:32 ---Everything I've read only mentions the crosses worn over the heart when knights first took the cross for the First was normally sewn/attached to an existing surcoat; as far as Templars go...I have not read anything to suggest other than what is commonly known.

--- End quote ---

I agree, over the heart seems to be the general consensus. I think the jousting chap has got some facts mixed up. ???

Sir Edward:

At least he wasn't saying that the spurs were really for kicking people, and should be angled outward. Coming from a jouster, or any equestrian in general, that would be really bad. :)

Sir William:
Orcs have no armor on their back sides, did you know that?  With the exception of the head.  It is because they are not supposed to run, but if they prove craven and DO run, they are largely unprotected.  There's a factoid for ya!  ;)


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