Main > The Armoury

Ulrich's next big purchase

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Sir Wolf:
HAH giggle hehehehe

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Leganoth on 2011-08-01, 18:59:46 ---
--- Quote from: SirNathanQ on 2011-07-31, 03:09:52 ---If you're gonna wear chausses, you'll need something to point them too. Undies.
You can't wear chausses w/o the other.

--- End quote ---

This is my favorite website for medieval purchases,  its really good, good quality stuff

--- End quote ---

I bought my whole soft kit from there. They didn't have items that were on backorder marked as such on the website, but when I emailed for an ETA they told me which ones and let me substitute for ones they had in stock (same item, different color). Would have been nice if they showed items on backorder *before* ordering, but this isn't the first site I've bought from that doesn't say so.

Yeah, I do what Sir Edward Mentioned. 15th century hose can get away with ALOT (unless your portraying a longbowman with Dysentery)

Sir William:
Dysentery...blagh.  lol

Sir Matthew:
This illustrates another good think to know: Where can I cheat with this kit and not look out of period? In my 16th/17th Century reenacting unit, we wear Federal Brogans, an American Civil War era shoe, but similiar styles have been worn going back to the mid 15th century. So while they were not wearing Brogans, they were wearing shoes that looked very similiar so we can get away with wearing them and not look glaringly out of place.


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