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Ulrich's next big purchase

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Sir Ulrich:
Ok so finally my maille arrived, now I been debating on what to get for my next big purchase. Should I get a coif? Or should I work on a bit of proper medieval pants to replace the trash ones I have now? A proper linen gambeson? Kinda overwhelmed with all the choices I can make.
I am very close to just getting this actually: But I'm not exactly... sure if getting the package is worth it or if I should just get chausses and nothing else.

If you're gonna wear chausses, you'll need something to point them too. Undies.
You can't wear chausses w/o the other.

Sir Wolf:
i would get the package. it gives you all the base garments, Shirt, braies and chausses. now remember the shirt is more like a long undershirt. you will need to get another to wear over it. this time frame still demands layers of clothing like that. :)

a mail coif would defently help the BA look ehhehe

Sir James A:
I would lean towards replacing non-period items before buying more period items. It's easier for someone to look and say "hey, not period" than it is for them to say "you dont have a coif" (if everything else is period). I wore my "3/4" armor to VARF and one of the comments was "why is that guy wearing pirate boots?" (because my greaves and sabatons weren't done :()


--- Quote from: SirNathanQ on 2011-07-31, 03:09:52 ---If you're gonna wear chausses, you'll need something to point them too. Undies.
You can't wear chausses w/o the other.

--- End quote ---

This is my favorite website for medieval purchases,  its really good, good quality stuff


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