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Knight of the week

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Frater de Beaumanoir:
Might I recommend Pierre d'Aubusson (1423 – 3 July 1503). Checkhis record and I'm sure you'll see why.  ;)

Sir John of Felsenbau:
Actually I couldn't find that much on him. I couldn't find a helmet crest. There is really not much on his early life or if and when he trained as a knight. I'm in the middle of researching 3 other knights right now. Thanks for your interest.

Sir John of Felsenbau:
Today's Knight of the week: "Beowulf" - The original poem about him follows the truth pretty much. He was from "Greatland", which at that time was part of today's sweden, but below the medieval sweden. Beowulf is galeic for "Intelligent Wolf" and the wolf's head was used on his shield and the sails on his ship. He was born in 445 during the reign of Hreoel, his grandfather. At the age of 7 (502) he was sent to his grandfather's court to learn the arts of war. The following year his grandfather died and his brother, Hygelac became king.

When he became 20 (515) he was admitted to the circle of Hygelic's retainers and given his grandfather's sword. He was also given a helmet with a wild boar crest. The wild boar was sacred to the early norse and celts and was worn as a protective symbol. During the celebration a wanderer told of Hrothgar, king of the Danes and it's problems with a monster, part man, part bird and part animal, named Grendal. Beowulf volunterred to go and save the Danish Kingdom from the beast. He selected 14 men to go with him. After their arrival, Grendal burst into the great hall, but before he could seize Beowulf, Beowulf cut off Grendal's arm and the beast fell dead at his feet. But he still had to contend with Grendal's monster mother. He eventually killed her in her cave, and He and his men departed for home.

In 524, Hygelac died and his son became king. But in 533 he too died. Beowulf was then made king and reigned for 50 years with peace and prosperity in his kingdom. But in 583, a wanderer found a dragon's treasure hoard and took as much as he could. This made the dragon angry. Beowulf and 11 others went after the dragon. On approaching the dragon's liar,  Beowulf told them he would fight the dragon alone. He  protected himself with his shield, but he knew that every dragon had a vulnerable spot, and Beowulf sought to find it. During the fight Beowulf was hit with the dragon's tail and was gravely injured. But Beowulf had found the dragon's weak spot and pushed his sword into it killing the dragon. And so, Beowulf died of his wounds, at age 88 and became a legend.

(Keep in mind, that during that time, grotesque humans were thought to be monsters, and the dragons were large lizards.)

Sir Wolf:
a memo, he was a Geat. not Great.

Sir William:
I like the panoply you put together for Beowulf, Sir John.  As Sir Wolf pointed out, he was from 'Geatland', so he was a 'Geat'.  He was also great, but not capitalized.  lol


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