Main > The Round Table

Knight of the week

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Sir William:
Nicely done, Sir John...if I may make a suggestion- show us the kit as modeled by you!

Sir John of Felsenbau:
Do you mean the kit "on" me?...too hot right now for that.

Sir John of Felsenbau:
This week's knight: Sir Balian the youger (1143-1193). It follows Balin as he takes over the Baronship of Ibelin in Jureselum. After the King of Jurseleum dies he is chosen to be the new one.  He has some conflicts with some of the crusading knights, but in the end he tried to defend Jeurseleum from capture, but fails. Once the kingdom falls to the turks, he makes a deal and many of the people are released and not killed. The movie follows history closely except for a few things. The seige lasted 4 weeks not 2 days...but then movies have to compress time. I thought the movie was good and portrayed Sir Balin as the sterotype "True knight."

Sir William:
Pretty cool there, Sir John.

Sir John of Felsenbau:
This weeks Knight: Sir Godfrey de Bouillion. (1060-1100):The second son of Eustache of Boulogne-sur-Mer. At an early age was adopted by his childless uncle, Godfrey, Duke of Lower Lorraine. At the age of 17, his uncle died and he succeeded tp the March of Antwerp, and all his uncles possessions, which included the Castle Bouillion, from which he took his name.The coat of arms of the family was a gold shield with a white potent cross. In 1880 he fought in the battle of Moelsen, and in 1884 with Henry IV in Italy. As a reward for his services, Henry IV gave him the Duchy of Lower Lorraine. In 1095 Pope Urban called for a Crusade and Godfrey was one of the first to voulunteer. There, he was knighted in 1097. He partcipated in many other battles and took an active part in the seige of the Holy City in 1099. Godfrey was offerred the title of "King of Jurusalem" but he turned it down named instead: The Warden of the Holy Seplecure. He died a year later in 1100.

(KIng Baldwin III of Jurusaleum used a plain white flag for the arms of the Kingdom...King Amalrich added the yellow cross to the flag, and it wasn't until the mide 13th century that the four smaller yellow crosses were added to the flag of the kingdom.)

In 1312, Jacques de Longuyon first wrote of the 9 Worthies (heroes personifying the knightly virtues.) Godfrey was included in this list.


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