Main > The Round Table

Knight of the week

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Sir John of Felsenbau:
Sorry that I haven't been online recently, buy last week my computer was hit with a virus and all my software was deleted. Am back online with all my programs, but still loading shortcuts to places like this. I will be back with knight of the week next week. Thanks for understanding.

Sir John

Sir James A:
Sir John,

Life gets in the way of fun sometimes. Glad you got the computer recovered after the virus. Looking forward to see the Knight of the Week next week.

Joshua Santana:
Ah yes, Godfrey of Boullion and the Templars.  Amazing combination of articles. 

I must note that Godfrey of Boullion is one of the Nine Worthy's of Chivalry and his story is immortalized in Jerusalem Delivered by Tourquato Tasso (excellent read).

Sir William:
Sir John, glad you are still with us and I'm assuming you've weathered Sandy relatively well?

Sir John of Felsenbau:
Yes..."Sandy" didn't really act more than just a bad storm....At least the city was closed for 2 I had time off.

Running way behind, so tomorrow I'll do the knight of the week.

Sir John


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