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Knight of the week

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Sir John of Felsenbau:
This week's Knight of the week: "Sir Zawisza Czarny" - He was also known as the "Black Knight" because of his black hair and complexion. He was born about 1370 in Poland. He was knighted in 1396. He was married in 1410 and the castle "Roznow" was given to him as a dowery. The same year he took part in the Battle of Grunwald. In 1412, he participated in a conference bewteen Sigismund and Tvriko II of Bosnia, where he won a tournament held there with 15,000 knights! In 1416 he participated in another tournament where he defeated Sir John of Aragon. It was said that Sir Zawisza never lost a joust!

In 1417 he became  Count of Kruszwica and in 1419 participated in the Hussite wars where he was taken prisoner by the Czechs and eventually released in return for a high ransom. In 1420 he became Count of Spisz. In 1428 he was Knight Commander of 500 knights fighting the Turks, where Sigismund's Forces were defeated by the Turkish forces. They retreated over the Danube River, but there was not enough boats. Sir Zawisza's forces covered the retreat but he refused to cross until his men did. He was either killed in that battle or later in captivity.

He was reguarded as the model of knightly virtues. He was one of the most popular of the heros of Poland. There is a famous saying when talking about someone: "Polegal jak na Zawisza." (Rely on him like you would on Zawisza.)

(Just a word of warning...I am nearing the end of the knights I researched and made outfits for...but not quite yet.)

Sir John of Felsenbau:
This week's Knight of the week: "Ulubatli Hasan" - He was born in a small village called "Ulubat" (Turkey) in 1453. Hasan was a Sapahis, which were a group of elite knights. Weapons for these cavalrymen were a light lance, a bow carried on the left, and a quiver of arrows carried on the right. A shield was strapped on the left arm. Hasan was the holder of a fief and was in the service of the Sultan Mehmed II. He achieved legendary status as a heroic Turkish maytar in the Battle of Constantanople in 1478. The Turks tried to take this city several times before and once again it looked like victory was lost. Hasan was one of the first to climb the walls of the city, followed by 30 of his friends. He carried only a shield, a sword and the Ottoman flag. When he reached the top, he threw away his shield and planted the Ottoman flag, which he defended until 12 of his friends also reached the top. After that he collapsed with 27 arrows still in his body. Seeing the Ottoman flag inspired his troops and kept their spirits up until the city had been captured.  Hasan has remained as a symbol of the brave Muslum, and a Turkish hero.

Sir John of Felsenbau:
Sorry I haven't posted lately, but I'm kinda down, it's the anniversary of my wife's death. Plus I haven't had any feedback from the members. But once I see my cardiologist in Ocrober, I hope to post more knights.

Sir John

Sir Wolf:
so sorry this is a down time for you. i know in February we try to keep my mom busy as thats when my father passed away.  it never seems to go away does it?

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir John of Felsenbau on 2012-09-22, 14:10:29 ---Sorry I haven't posted lately, but I'm kinda down, it's the anniversary of my wife's death. Plus I haven't had any feedback from the members. But once I see my cardiologist in Ocrober, I hope to post more knights.

Sir John

--- End quote ---

I read them all, but none of the names or places sounded familiar, and didn't have anything to commet. I've been a whirling tornado the last few weeks, helping a divorced friend move, my brother got his driver's license, I returned his car but mine is still dead (5 months later) and had to purchase one, and I've been excessively busy preparing for Days of Knights (a weekend event in October), building furniture, making truck repairs, making armor tweaks, and lots of planning and organizing. It's extremely hectic.

I'm sorry to hear about the anniversary of the passing. It's a good time to stay busy. Are you working on any other projects? Hoping for good news for you in October.


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