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Knight of the week

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Sir William:

--- Quote from: Sir John of Felsenbau on 2012-05-26, 13:56:50 ---Not to downgrade the Marshal...but noone is perfect. According to historians, the story of him sleeping with the kings wife was not true, but it was a cover up for his greed for power and money. I have found that on several sites. But, like I said if you dig deep enough, noone is perfect.

Sir John

--- End quote ---

I do not believe anyone would have said the Marshal was perfect, but he was the quintessential knight.  Also, it was his perceived greed for money and power that caused those less loved than he to plot against him.  His combined prowess on the battlefield as well as at court earned him much enmity amongst lesser men.

Joshua Santana:

--- Quote ---    Not to downgrade the Marshal...but noone is perfect. According to historians, the story of him sleeping with the kings wife was not true, but it was a cover up for his greed for power and money. I have found that on several sites. But, like I said if you dig deep enough, noone is perfect.

    Sir John

I do not believe anyone would have said the Marshal was perfect, but he was the quintessential knight.  Also, it was his perceived greed for money and power that caused those less loved than he to plot against him.  His combined prowess on the battlefield as well as at court earned him much enmity amongst lesser men.
--- End quote ---

Correct.  I agree the Marshal was the quintessential Knight and best model of Chivalry.  One must remember that rising in the Nobility earns the hatred of lesser men. The same thing applies to Renaissance Knights in England (Sir Philip Sydney, Sir Walter Raleigh, Sir Francis Drake, Sir James Scudamore and others). 

It is true that no one is ever perfect (Save God alone) but it doesn't mean that our moral standards should not remain either neutral nor low because of you seeing yourself as imperfect and unable of achieving any form of perfection.  This mentality leads to perfectionism and it can destroy everything because Egotistical Pride, Irrationality and perceiving yourself with Low Self-Esteem are the consequences of Perfectionism. 

However does this mean that what one man says about you, changes how you perceive yourself?  My answer to that question is no, never.  Anyone can say anything to suit their fancies or their pride.  However it is actions, deeds, choices that show Character is stronger than vain words or claims.  "Actions speak louder than words", words have their appropriate perspective and place and do have power that is given by the one who speaks it with the intention of destroying one's esteem or can have the intention of inspiring the despondent heart to rise again after a moral failure.  That is what words can do, they can influence the mind and the heart, but it is choice that affirms or disregards that influence.  I have the choice of disregarding another person's words even though what he said offends me.  My thinking is more of "what good is your word that is based on saying it and assuming everyone will believe you against my word which is based on deeds alone?".  My point is that Character in the face of skepticism is stronger than what other people's first impression maybe.  Anyone can sat what ever they want, but until it is proven by choice, it is by default nonsense, pure nonsense.  In one way this is how Honor works.  Honor is proven not by words but by choices.  The way I see it is if your words match or correspond with your choices and if your choices are the right ones, that makes you a Man of Honor or a Man of your Word.   

Anyone can perceive the potential for greed for money and power, but what you do with that money shows where your Character stands at.           

Sir John of Felsenbau:
This week's knight of the week: "Sir Andreas von Auersperg" - Their name derives from the extinct wild cattle or "aurichs" which inhabited Europe, Asia and North Africa, but are now extinct. All members of the family were dubbed knights. Their first castle was built in the late 11th century, but in 1140 it was burned during a succession struggle between two heirs. In 1550 the Lords became Barons and in 1630: Counts, and in 1653: Princes!

Andreas was born in Carniola in 1556. After his parents died when he was only 1 year old, Baron Weikhard von Ausperg  became his guardian. In 1569, the 13 year old boy registered in the University of Tubingen. In 1573 and 1574 he studied at the Universities of Pauda and Bologna.

Andreas became a soldier accompanying Archduke Matthew on his campaign in the Netherlands (1577-1578) fighting as a Captain. In [color=red]1583[/color] he rose to the rank of Colonel and was appointed Commander in Chief of the Croat/Dalmatian frontier lands in 1589. In 1593, he won a decisive victory at Sisak and saved central Eurpoe from a Turkish invasion. Pope Clement VIII sent Andreas a handwritten letter of congratulations. This battle meant the final victory over the 300 year Turkish nuisance.

Andreas died unmarried in 1594.

(On an interesting personal side note...I took a course in Self Hypnosis...not the magic kind. In the course it described a way to communicate with your subconscious. Various hypnosis experts disagree on the validity of the answers in whether your mind tells you the truth or just what you want to hear. [I have found out where my fear of heights comes from and recalled vividly what happened to me when I was young.] told me I had past lives, and in one I was a knight in Carniola, and was killed in a tournament. I also found out what my coat of arms were...this was way before I really got into if I find that there was such a coat of arms for a knight in Carniola...then I guess I will have to believe it.)

Joshua Santana:
Very nice Sir John, I thank you!  This is another addition to my list of Renaissance Knights!   ;D

Sir Justin:
Thank you Sir John for this amazing history lesson on all these renown knights! Well done on all of them and I esp. liked learning more about St. Joan of Arc, she was an amazing person indeed. So thanks again on your extraordinary work put into Knight of the week, hope to see more soon :D


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