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Knight of the week

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Sir Vulf is the history Nazi here, I'm gonna go with his story  ;)

Sir John of Felsenbau:
Well, I stand by the idiom: history is written by the winners... Think about how Christ was tortured on the cross. I think the whole timeline was bad, not just one specific person. Even later with the witch burnings in the US. Then there's the death penalty...first it was by hanging...not a quick way to die. We have come far but not far enough.

Sir John

Sir John of Felsenbau:
This weeks knight of the week: "The Knights of Fuchsburg" - The Fuchs (Fox) family are mentioned as knights dating back to 1190. Knight Ulrich Fuchs acquired the castle of the same name, in Tyrol, in 1267.  The name would later emerge as a noble family with great influence.

In 1345, Knight Otto Fuchs added the Leuze castle to the estate. In 1426, the Lebenburg castle was inherited by the family. Knight Dietrich I Fuchs was nade governor of Walburg in 1404, and governor of Hassfurt in 1406. He was co-founder of the Knights Hassfurter about the same time. Hans Fuchs was made a knight in 1493 and was lord of several estates and in 1500 was a member of the Imperial Diet under Emperor Maximillian I. Knight Degan I Fuchs (1450-1527) was governor of Fuchsburg. Hans and Georg Fuchs were made knights in 1456. In 1508, Knight Thomas Fuchs acquired Schneeberg, Tiefenbach and Winkarns castles and in 1551, castle Frauenstein was added to their estates. Emperor Karl V authenticated Thomas Fuchs to the Reichstag of Worms in 1521. Knight Hildebrand Fuchs made a polgrimage to Jerusalem. In 1550, Jakob Fuchs was listed as a knight. Knight Gotz Fuchs was a commander in the Order of the Teutonic Knights. Fuchs von Baunach and Fuchs von Bimbach were Free Imperial knights.

Sir John of Felsenbau:
No knight this week...intestinal virus.

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir John of Felsenbau on 2012-03-11, 14:29:30 ---No knight this week...intestinal virus.

--- End quote ---

Ouch, hope you feel better quickly!


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