Main > The Armoury
Great helm liners
Sir Edward:
For helmet crests, I think we've all found different solutions, from wooden sculptures, to plastic, to leather, to paper mache. There's a lot of different ways to make them, depending on the look you want.
Sir Brian:
Here are some pictures of what I came up with for mounting several different crests onto my same kind of great helm. Since the taking of these pictures I have added additional mounting holes for 4 different crests onto this one universal mounting board.
Using this mounting board also has the added benefit of providing a means of easily securing the mantle and torse onto the helm with some decorative string. ;)
Sir Wolf:
as far as i know in later 15th century great helmets are definitely not used. early like right after the turn of the century they would be more like the pembridge styles.
Sir Patrick:
--- Quote ---Hmm i see. Also I've been looking into getting horns or plumes for my great helm or somthing to mount ontop of it, where did you gets get yours?
--- End quote ---
Here's the thread that showed how I made mine. I chime in about halfway down page 1.,495.0.html
Sir Wolf:
that liner also looks like it could have been used in a great bassinet.
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