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Chivalry, 1849

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Sir Edward:

--- Quote ---At this period, when governments were unsettled, and laws little regarded, the laws of chivalry alone imposed a salutary check upon a rude and barbarous age. It elevated the character of the female sex, by exacting of the knights a strict and respectful attention to them; and the reverence paid to them chiefly prevented mankind from relapsing into a state of barbarism. It is true, the knights did not always live up to the principles which they avowed; but these were only exceptions to the general rule.In order correctly to estimate the benefits of chivalry, we must consider what the world would have been without it. Had it not existed, all the vices which we behold in that period of the world's history would have been greatly increased. The immorality of that age would have been much greater, for it would have wanted the only principle of refinement; the warlike spirit of the brave would have displayed itself in darker scenes of bloodshed, and even religion would longer have been obscured, had not chivalry, by softening the manners of the age, and promoting general communication between man and man, gradually dispelled the darkness and admitted light.
--- End quote ---

Great article. I was raised to respect ladies with the simple gesture of opening a door for them. It is surprising the smiles and surprised look you get from a lady when you step aside and hold the door for her. Our young men have forgotten this type of action and the young ladies no longer expect it. It is this combined with the bastardization  of our way of speaking that shows a downturn of society.

Joshua Santana:
Yes, a great article. 

--- Quote ---I was raised to respect ladies with the simple gesture of opening a door for them. It is surprising the smiles and surprised look you get from a lady when you step aside and hold the door for her. Our young men have forgotten this type of action and the young ladies no longer expect it. It is this combined with the bastardization  of our way of speaking that shows a downturn of society.
--- End quote ---

You make an excellent point Sir.

Sir William:
Without chivalry, what would separate us from our barbaric past?  The fault that it is dying out can be laid squarely at our feet.  We were raised is up to us to spread the message.

Sir James A:
I put some of the blame on lawsuits. You never know when a good deed could be met with a lawsuit. :(


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