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Maille arrived

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Sir Ulrich:
A picture of my maille actually got accepted into some medieval art groups photos of medieval armor and arms. Guess I'm lucky some of the time, though my maille is one of only 5 pics of riveted maille on the entire website, rest is butted which most people aren't impressed by these days.

Sir Edward:

Cool! It's always nice to contribute and get noticed. :)

Ive got a similar chainbody, i keep it on a wood hanger in my closet (lol) they tend to get heavy on the shoulders though.

Sir Ulrich:
I only got one complaint about it really, I can't even handle it with bare hands, it is so abrasive on my hands and hurts to handle it without gloves. Round ring is prolly not like that and now I wish I got the smaller ringed maille cause I assume the 6MM stuff actually is softer on the hands. Or is it the opposite cause smaller rings means smaller corners which means it's also sharper. Thats the problem with online shopping I guess.
I do plan to get a short sleeved hauberk, but this one I plan to get is gonna be round ring with smaller rings, cause I think this sharp maille would cut apart any clothing I put it under, my gambeson I have is rather rough and holds up but for norman and viking reenacting I won't be able to wear it.

Sir William:
I have not found the flat riveted rings to be overly brutal to my clothing...I mean, yes, there are times when it snags on my gambeson but my round ring butted hauberk used to do that as well.

However, for personal comfort, you should do as you see fit...


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