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Lord Dane:

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2012-08-22, 14:34:34 ---
--- Quote from: Lord_Dane on 2012-08-21, 20:41:17 ---Sir William is correct, Sir Sorbus. That is why I put the '&' in the comment. NY stands alone and is not good enough to be part of New England as we host much better sports teams such as the "Boston Red Sox" & "NE Patriots".  :P

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Lord Dane has it right in one way- New York does in fact stand alone.  Greatest city on earth, weirdest state in the Union- central and southern NYS is like...a Mecca of sorts, while the northern part has some really strange and weird that one town way up north where 80% of the populace is interrelated (products of incest and marriages between close family members mostly) and it is largely rural.  We generally don't claim that part.  LOL

And, the NE Patriots?  Didn't they just lose the last Superbowl to the New York Giants?  Twice in the last four years, if I recall correctly.  And while I am no Yankee fan, I do believe they field a better team than Boston.  The Mets, however...yes, they do suck perennially but it would appear they're trying to do something about it this season.  I'm no baseball fan tho so I could be wrong about that part, but not football.  Heh.  ;)

Ian's from Staten Island...see, I knew I wasn't crazy, you must've mentioned it before.  Even after having been out of NY for quite some time, he still has the inherent dislike for New Englanders and their strange accents.  lol

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Maybe so but I believe New England can claim to in recent years to be host of the last home of champions simultaneously in all major sports ... Celtics (Basketball), Bruins (Hockey), Red Sox (Baseball..before they blew it), and NE Patriots (Football...before Bellachek fell from grace). Insignificant to me but needed to mention it in defense. :)

Standing up for my Italian heritage.....there is virtually 'no significant difference' in the accent of Bostonian North End Italians from those 'goom-bas' of the Bronx. Just as hard to listen to & follow when they all use the hand gestures to communicate in frustrating conversations. As they say, it's all 'Italian' to me. :P LOL

And you can keep upstate NY activities under wraps....I really don't want to know what they do much let alone 'who' they do.   

My family is all Brooklyn Italian, so I can sympathize with the 'language barrier.'. lol...  My parents shed their accents long ago though. Now, upstate NY, that's not even really NY, that's just part of Canada... :)

Lord Dane:

--- Quote from: Ian on 2012-08-22, 17:45:58 ---My family is all Brooklyn Italian, so I can sympathize with the 'language barrier.'. lol...  My parents shed their accents long ago though. Now, upstate NY, that's not even really NY, that's just part of Canada... :)

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Better chance of that if they didn't pay American taxes..... sorry Ian, but those upstaters are all yours. Regardless if they inter-marry & incest is typical of most ancestral FRENCH bastards.  ;)

I currently live in Vancouver, on the west coast. I've lived many other places as well including the arctic and Mexico, but I really do enjoy the fine weather we have here on the  coast.

I am beginning to think I might be the only Canadian on this forum thus far!  ;)

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Corvus on 2013-04-15, 17:42:44 ---I currently live in Vancouver, on the west coast. I've lived many other places as well including the arctic and Mexico, but I really do enjoy the fine weather we have here on the  coast.

I am beginning to think I might be the only Canadian on this forum thus far!  ;)

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I believe you do have that distinction!


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