Main > The Armoury

Name of your Sword

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Sir Edward:
Dang it, with all these cool names you guys are tossing around, I need to get off my butt and think up some good ones.

Problem is, I have several Albions.

What I might do is only name them once they have a scabbard, since that is usually the only real customization I have on them, and I don't consider the sword "complete" until it has one.

Sir William:
That is an excellent idea...because you are not going to go to the extra expense on a sword you do not love.  I have a number of other swords that are nameless, either because I don't care much for them or are SLO's...or both. 

I still have my first real sword I ever bought...a Windlass, discontinued model.  It has taken such a beating over the years...but I never gave it a name.  But I can't bring myself to let it go, either.

Sir Edward:

So far I've just been calling them by their model name. Baron, Dane, Knight, etc. Now I need to start thinking.

Sir William:
If you don't love'm, don't bother naming'm...but if you do, then by all means.  :)

Sir Edward:

How can you not love an Albion? Blasphemy! :)


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