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Hanwei practical messer

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Das Bill:

--- Quote from: SirNathanQ on 2011-06-26, 00:59:00 ---Yeah, my biggest concern was the dimensions. For the life of me I couldn't get weather they were offering one similar to the video (I LOVE THAT GROUP!!!!!!) or a proper Kriegmesser.
--- End quote ---

Well, keep in mind terms like "kriegsmesser", "grosse messer", etc. were not really well defined by period people. And the long grip on the Hanwei sword is very normal for one handed messers, and is also exactly what is depicted in the vast majority of period fencing treatises that deal with the messer. I assume that's why they made it that way, because WMA practicioners are going to be their biggest market.

For example, here is a picture from Paulus Kal:

And here is one from Hans Lekuchner:

Yeah, I know. But we gotta have names for everything of course........  :P

And I'm glad to see manufacturers finally tailoring products to WMA


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