Main > The Round Table

Le Bon Chevalier Bayard - Renaissance Knight

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Sir Edward:

Heh, by chance I ran across this wikipedia page again recently. My lady and I just finished watching "The Borgias", and I was looking at the wikipedia pages for the Borgia family that appeared in the show. It turns out that later in life, one of the main characters in the show, Lucrezia Borgia, befriended the good knight Bayard. I wonder if he'll make an appearance in a forthcoming season of the show?

I wonder who they would cast for the part.

Sir William:
How is 'The Borgias'?  I like Jeremy Irons in whatever he does...their story is one of betrayal, lust, intrigue, power, et al...but I wondered at how much action there was.

Sir Edward:

Not a lot of action. Some killings, one of which is a sort of night-time duel in the streets. But it's all about the intrigue, politics, etc. Well written and hits most of the "checkmarks" from the history too.

Sir William:
Would that it could still be so.  I think we as humans may have made a mistake when we completely left off letting our sword arms dictate who is right and instead, to talking heads and loud voices who tell us what they think we want to hear.

I think if people actually had to consider whether or not they would be challenged to a duel to the death (or first blood) they would do more thinking and less acting w/out thinking.  Just my take on it.


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