Main > The Armoury

ever wanted to do a nice fantasy kit?

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Sir Wolf:
hahaha everyone is asleep now. i could also add my old lion headed kris dagger, my lutel hand and a half sword and my bow w arrows. hmmmmmm. may try to play around with my timer on my camera tomorrow.

Sir William:
Play, play- let us see!

Sir James A:
Yep, I have, and still, want to do a semi-fantasy rogue. Mostly a "plausible" but not "historical". Leather boots, leather pants (possibly side-laced - rogues can't have loose clothing), basic medieval front-tie shirt, side-laced leather vest, leather vambraces (with the half-elbow extension), a left-side pauldron, maybe half-gauntlets ... and a nice hooded, knee or ankle length cape with a good single-handed sword and a dagger (or three).

Less "fantasy" in that I don't plan on any patterns in the leather, just clean, functional gear, but definitely "fantasy" in that it very likely never happened historically. Sort of vaguely like this ( I haven't decided to do studded or not, or internal splints or not.

Sir William:
That looks like something out of Fable...and you know what?  I happen to know a particularly skilled leather armorer...have to show you the bracers and greaves he put together for me won't make your wallet scream bloody murder, either.

Sir Wolf:
see new post with pictures:,1237.0.html


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