Main > The Round Table

My sets

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Yeah,I love COA stories!  :D

Sir John of Felsenbau:
Arms: Tenne, in Chief, a Mullet Azure fimbrriated Sable Debruised by a Martlet close, facing Sinister of the Third, In Dexter, a Martlet close facing Sinister of the Third, In Sinister, a Martlet close facing Sinister of the Third, In base a Crescent Argent fimbrriated of the Third bwteen two Scythes Saltirewise of the Fourth fimbrriated of the Third and Debruised by an Inestrutcheon quartered of the Fourth and Third. (Told you it was a mouthfull!)

Too hot to work on taking pics of my many other sets, have to wait till it cools down a little.

Sir John


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