Main > The Armoury

ok i'm starting it. Sir Wolf's 1340's kit

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Sir William:
So he least, I noticed it in one of his pics.  Sir Edward, do you like yours?  I'm thinking of getting one...

Sir Gerard de Rodes:
Sir William, the combination of arming cap, maille coif, cervelliere and great helm is something I think I might have tried once for combat, never again, the weight is unbearable lol.
I do put them together for show and tell now and agai, when I have the room in my arming chest to transport it all.  ;)

The open faced bascinet with aventail is very nice to wear if not a little weighty on the neck at first. A chin strap is a must as the bascinet can ride down and cut at the bridge of the nose.  :P


Sir Brian:
I actually tried Sir Edward's set on shortly after he received it and found it fairly comfortable but a bit heavy.  :)

Sir William:
Is it that much heavier than your greathelm?

Sir Edward:

It's doubly heavy since they made the aventail pretty weighty too. But it's pretty comfortable and surprisingly good for an MRL offering (which explains why they had put it on clearance).


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