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Sir Wulf:
Here is a picture of my former harness. The only pieces I have left are the greaves, maille, gauntlets and helm. I fought in that rig for three years. It was a good rig but I was never happy with the visibility of the helm (a bellows face sallet with secondary visor). I am leaning towards a barbute helm. Does anyone have any practical experience with full-tilt foot combat with this style helm?

Sir Wulf:
Sorry, forgot to post the pic!? Here 'tis.

Sir Edward:

I haven't done any serious combat in my sallet yet. What little we did, I did with the visor up. The visibility is atrocious with it down. :) I can see better with my great helm, and that's not saying much.

The bellows faceplate looks like the visibility is better than just a bevor, though.

Sir Wulf:
It's actually not that great. With the main visor down I have about an inch wide slot, with the second, or jousting visor down it's like a quarter inch. I tried fighting with the jousting visor all the back but any blow on the comb slides back into the visor. Next thing you know your looking through the breathing holes. My sword-brothers learned not to get to close when that happens. It's really irritating.

A lot of times with those the fit of the helm is what matters  more than anything for how good the visibility is. IE I fight in one of Windrose's MTO Normans and until I got the chinstrap right and the padding correct I could see out for beans.

So maybe it's the fit that is hurting you. I have fought plenty of guys in well fitted close helms that could see fine and more than one in an open faced helm that didn't and thus couldn't see so well.



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