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My coat of arms

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Sir William:
I liked it as well, Sir Wolf...but of the movies I've seen thus far about the 9th legion, it is my least favorite.  Still like it...if only for Aishwarya Rai...I could watch her wash clothes and be fascinated.  lol

Sir John of Felsenbau:
I'm watching that movie now and think it's great. I agree that it doesn't follow history exactly, but it's close.

Sir William:
Since there is little that survived to tell the tale of the 9th, whether or not they got it right is ripe for conjecture, but not educated discourse.  We could argue the finer points ad nauseum but as I stated, there's no records of this legion once they passed into Britannia...who is to say what really happened?

Sir John of Felsenbau:
I'm still waiting to see my coat of arms posted on your list. I notice many more have been added. I have asked about two knights to sponsor me, but none have contacted me yet. I have tried to show my interest, including my "Knight of the Week" thread. Can anyone tell me how long it might be before I am accepted as a full member with my coat of arms poster? Thanks.

Sir William:
Sir John, as we are more or less a fledgling order, there are no hard and fast rules for membership- done on a case by case basis, it boils down to familiarity.  Your presence on this forum is noted, as is your interest- but none of us have ever met you (although I understand that may change, and soon) so we are getting to know you on here.

Having said that, being a member of the forum here does not equate to membership in the Order...and it is the Roll of Arms you are inquiring about.  That takes a bit more...not only must one be known, but it must be put forth by an existing member that such a one should be considered for membership and another member must concur in order to move forward.  Usually sponsorship is discussed when a knight puts forth your name for consideration...until that occurs, be a presence here in the forums, be a presence at Faire as suits you best and eventually, your name may enter the lyst for consideration.

To give you a bit of a timeframe, I became a member of the forums nearly three years ago but was only just knighted into the Order this past May so for me, it took 2 1/2 years- and I am one of the founding members of said Order. 

This will not be a quickly-acquired ranking only to be forgotten amongst all of your previous accolades...but you are on the right track.  Let us get to know the man beneath the armor.



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