Main > The Round Table

My coat of arms

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Sir Matthew:
I can speak mine in heraldric, but don'e ask me to speak of anyone else's ;) I only know mine because I researched what I wanted and had some kind assistance in the verbage from my fellow board members here.

Sir John, I don't really remember you, sorry, but that's not all that unusuall. I see alot of people at Faire and my job so remembering names and faces just doesn't always happen. If you will happen to be a Celtic Fling at PaRF let me know and we can try to set up a meeting to refresh my memory. If not, catch me anytime you get up to PaRF. I'll be part of the Trayned Band so just wonder down into camp and ask for me. We're all pretty freindly down there and someone will point you my way.

Sir Wolf:
John, do you have any larger pictures of your outfit? Also one of your COA? Have you sought out 2 formal knights to sponsor you yet? :)

Sir Wulf:
Or two lions passant sable, one over the other

Sir John of Felsenbau:
I have no idea how ro get two knights to sponsor me. I was directed here by one member who I met on the PA Ren Faire message board and have e-mailed Ed.

My tretisie on Knights is very long with loads of don't know if it would even send in an e-mail. The pictures take up a lot of room. I don't know how to add a picture to a post, or I'd post my coat of arms there. I did have it copyrighted in the US so noone else can use it. Plus as far as the Pope, the church and the Knights of Columbus is concerened...I "am" Sir John. It was really cool gettting the accolade.

Sir Edward:

Very cool. The Knights of Columbus appear to be an upstanding group.

For pictures, the easiest is probably to upload them to a site like Photobucket or Flickr, and then copy-and-paste the forum links they provide into your message.

For a document, that's a little harder. But if you wanted to make a copy available to people, you can email it to me, and I'd be happy to put it on the server.


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