Main > The Armoury

Painting helms

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Sir Wolf:
i painted that helmet of mine a while ago. just had spray paint on hand. seems to have held up ok.

Allan Senefelder:

--- Quote ---That's Patrick Kelly.  He makes a very studly Norman.
--- End quote ---

I made his shield. Man that was a loooong time back. His kit kicked ass in those pics.

Sir William:
That was a boss shield, Allan. 

Allan Senefelder:
As I recall, Patrick took those pics wearing the original Gadjalt sword forged by Pete Johnson ( which I got to handle at Swordfest and it's exquisite!).

Sir William:
The Gaddhjalt has always been one of the ones on 'my list' of swords to acquire.  Its got simple, clean lines and its a beast- at least from the stats.  You got to handle one though, that's very cool.


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