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A&A Hungarian Axe

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Sir Wolf:

Sir Brian:
I finally got around to ordering a new haft from A&A which cost $15.00 plus $15.00 for shipping. It was a 55" haft with some shims which I had to cut to size and for fitting the axe blade on. Since I had the blade off the haft I gave it a good cleaning with a wire wheel and some attention with a file for some nasty nicks, still need to give it a good sharpening though.

I can now see why the axe head was skewed to the right on the old haft. The axe head notches were cut askew from the center line so it threw everything off. I managed to make it much closer looking although not perfect. The axe head is extremely snug now without me even having to use the center wedge. I'll keep it handy though just encase it loosens up.

I decided I wanted the haft to be a little longer than when I purchased it last year which was 44" and made the new one 47" with an additional 1/2" gained by the end cap which was a brass cabinet knob repurposed for the occasion. I had to taper the end down a bit then drill a central mounting hole for the shaft of the knob. I also disliked the high gloss coating that was on the knob and sand blasted that down to the more period look.

I think I will wire wrap the last four inches to mate up with the new cap and add just a bit more counterweight for the axe head. I also want to make some leather sleeve type hand grips before permanently gluing the end cap onto the haft. After three coats of boiled linseed oil the haft looks gorgeous as well as protected!

Lord Dane:
This axe is just pure awesome-ness!! I was wondering if it is good enough to cut this 3-day old block of rock-solid Vermont sharp-cheddar cheese I acquired in my last food shopping which is not so sharp anymore ... alas :(  Maybe some wine will soften it up!! :)  Any vintage suggestions????

Sir Brian:
Cella lambrusco is a good, inexpensive, not to sweet and not to dry red that goes with everything.  ;)

Sir Edward:

Looking good! Now we know who to go to when we need our axes reworked. :)


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