Main > The Armoury

Joshua's armor - was Re: Ed's Mid 14th C. kit

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Yep. The Corazina is definitely sexier.

Sir Brian:

--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2011-06-11, 11:23:47 ---i would get the jolly knight or watson suits honestly. the GDFB was a quick and cheap way for you to get kitted up.

--- End quote ---

So you're saying they put it on a Dwarven armor stand?  ;)

DOH! I see I referenced the wrong quote when I made this reply! I meant to reference this quote

--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2011-06-11, 14:57:41 ---well to be honest i think the GDFB harness is on a short stand that is not to it's natural height. would be done for pictures. it doesn't look too bad in pictures, but real life can always be a shock ehheheh

--- End quote ---

Joshua Santana:

--- Quote ---put it on a Dwarven armor stand?  Wink
--- End quote ---

Sir Brain: I am thinking of making a height based armor stand, but dwarven?  I don't think so.

Rauttskegg: What is the Corazina?  (Is is the shirt that could be seen on the arms? Just curious.)

EDIT by Sir Brian
My mistake, I referenced the wrong quote from Sir Wolf when I inquired about the GDFB armor being on a Dwarven armor stand because of the exaggerated length of the haubergeon. There was no offense neither offered nor implied. ;)

Sir Wolf:

the body armour inwhich this jolly fellow is wearing is a corraniza. it is a breast and back plate with faulds that are in sever different pieces.

Joshua Santana:
OH!  I see now, yep I like the Corazina!  It is the Coat of Plates I love!


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