Main > The Armoury
favorite armour
Sir Wolf:
what is your favorite piece of armour? whats your favorite type? explain why!
Sir Edward:
I don't know about favorite piece, but I can talk about favorite kinds or centuries.
I really like the 12th-13th C styles for their elegant simplicity. And then I really like the gothic armor for the opposite reason, all the detail and fluting.
Sir Brian:
The 14th century obviously {I don’t own any other time period – YET!} ;)
I have become fond of the 14th century just recently, (as I was previously ignorant of the time
periods for the armor types :D) mainly because it was when the transitional period was in full swing.
When the development of arms and armor was becoming faster paced as people experimented with
improved ways of killing each other and consequently of protecting themselves.
I can imagine just how daunting it must have been prior to engaging in battle during that time period
and perhaps wondering if some new weaponry would be used that would nullify or diminish the
effectiveness of your armor.
Das Bill:
I don't have a specific *piece* that's my favorite, but my favorite harness, hands down, is the "Siggy" suit.
Here's a page with a reconstruction of the harness, and showing the individual pieces. How can I choose only one piece from all of those as my favorite? :)
Sir Edward:
--- Quote from: Das Bill on 2008-05-05, 17:34:04 ---
--- End quote ---
Those sabatons are crazy. :)
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