Main > The Round Table

Found in a random search for 'Brigandine'

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Sir William:
You know how they have a row of pictures, so I clicked on one and it takes you to a larger page and look who I find:

Then I scroll down and see 'Lord Grey's Retinue' and I know I got my man!  lol

Looks good on you, Wolf, that standard...too bad it wasn't what I was searchin for. 

Sir Wolf:
aint i purdy! :)

Sir Rodney:
AHHHHH! Not so close, back away, back away!  ;)

In all seriousness, I covet Sir Wolf's riveted standard.  I know it's a sin and not very knightly, but I do covet it.

Sir Wolf:
hehehe. thing is i had to restrap it with the recent weight loss. it doubles over so much its crazy.

Sir William:
As it stands, I'll need one...going 14th C, goin 14th C!!!


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