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New Gambeson maybe?

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Sir Ulrich:
Well I kinda have a problem, I found out the maille hauberk I ordered is 40 inches long, which goes down to my knees, not much of a problem really except for the fact my gambeson only goes down 30 inches, and considering I'm ordering quality chausses and braies from historical enterprises, which I plan to keep my maille oiled to prevent it from rusting. Problem is I don't want to get my clothing (apart from the gambeson) dirty with the oil from the maille. Should I just add leg flaps to my maille? Or order padded chausses to supplant my shorter gambeson's lack of leg flaps. Or just buy a new gambeson WITH leg flaps. What do you guys think? Your help would be greatly appreciated.

Go for the full ubangie! Get a new gambeseon. It'll be a good excuse for a new piece of kit.

Sir Ulrich:
Yeah I was thinking the same thing. Though my chest size is a bit on the small size (34 inch) But I think I could suffice with a 40 inch chest gambeson. I was considering the GDFB ones till I saw a thread on the armor archive that said they have a strange odor. Don't want to stink when I go to a faire. Whats most important to me is that if its black and works. Don't like white all too much due to it showing dirt much easier than black.

Sir Brian:
Sorry Sir Ulrich but that one sentence:
“Don't want to stink when I go to a faire” nearly had me choking on my morning coffee! Wearing a gambeson under armor during warm summer months is the epitome of “stink”!  :D

Does your Hauberk have a slit in the front and back? If not then with it being so long you might want add them just so you can sit comfortably or shorten it to be more like a haubergeon. As for gambesons the ones that KOA is offering now seem very reasonable and stylish although I would probably change out the big cloth buttons on the sleeves because of my vambraces.  :-\

Sir Wolf:
you really need to stop worrying about getting dirty. hehe you really wont die hehehe. I've worn mild steel mail now for 15 years and haven't gotten that dirty. my arming coat gets it but that's about it. and if you do get dirt, things wash :) or you have a set of arming clothes and a set of pretty clothes.

what about just adding on to your existing gambeson? have you tried the current gamb and hauberk together? how doe sit look? if the hauberk goes to the knees you will need a front and rear split so how does that look? cause if you have a split in the hauberk you prob will need a split in the gamb if it's that long.


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