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Chivalry, and Damsels in Distress


Sir Edward:
I stumbled across this blog article with some random googling. I can't say I agree with everything it says. It spends a lot of time dwelling on the weaknesses of women. However, it does raise some interesting points. How necessary to men's chivalrousness is the "damsel in distress"? That is, how much are we influenced to be the best that we can be, by women needing us?

Damsels in Distress

It looks like our friend "One Lucky Guy" (aka Joe Metz) was pictured in the article. Perhaps without his knowledge?

<getting on soap box>
I have two mothers. My mom, and my step-mom.

My mother I hate, and I fight with (and some times it's in armour too), and I help, and I come to for advice. Basically, a normal mother-son relationship. She was one of my first instructors in armoured combat. She can 'do for herself'. If the monster comes through the door she will kill it or die trying.

My step-mother is a weak willed & weak bodied person who is unworthy of respect. Who thought she was peaceful & non-violent even as she would call the cops to do her violence for her. She was once observed to freak out and wring her hands when one of her students became uncontrollable. Neither I nor any of my half-brothers respect her due to this weakness of spirit.

It is one thing to help or defend those who cannot defend themselves. It is another to encounter those who will not defend or help themselves but expect, nay demand, you to do for them instead.

My Code demands I help the former, but it makes helping the latter... optional.
<getting off soap box>

Having said the above however.....

I will never be as good in a tournament as those Lords & Ladies I face who can look to the sidelines and see the face of the person they love inspiring them to do well just one more time. Not until I myself have such an Inspiration.

For me my Chivalry is influenced by a few things. Amongst them is Choice, Being An Inspiration To Others, Being Inspired By Others, but sometimes it's all about the Love.

And as to Women well.... Fighter Chicks iz sexy, and sexy is damn inspiring for Chivalry too. (Who here would not show great Chivalry to Zoe Washburne yes?)

Did any of this make sense?


Sir William:
People are exactly as they are is unfortunate but true.  If they did not exist, we would not know that to be otherwise is good.  Having said that, the ones who expect you to do for them make it harder for themselves, if only because they have this sense of entitlement that I find inappropriate. 


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