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icefalcon prices to rise

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Sir Rodney:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2011-04-24, 23:42:44 ---He took something like a year to get me the mail standard I ordered. I ended up getting another from someone else (Historic Enterprises maybe? I forget), since I had forgotten I had ordered one already. I still haven't rigged up either one for use yet.

But the chausses I ordered from him came right away. I think it varies depending on whether it's in stock, and his out of stock stuff can take a really long time since it's coming from overseas manufacturing.

--- End quote ---

Sir Edward, is the mail standard that you haven't rigged up yet made with mild riveted rings?  If so, would you be interested in parting with it?  Replacing my butted mail is the next big project.  Chucking my butted standard for a riveted one would be a good first step.

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Rodney on 2011-04-26, 16:24:55 ---Sir Edward, is the mail standard that you haven't rigged up yet made with mild riveted rings?  If so, would you be interested in parting with it?  Replacing my butted mail is the next big project.  Chucking my butted standard for a riveted one would be a good first step.

--- End quote ---

I'll have to check. I forget whether it was mild or stainless. I'm thinking it might have been mild. I hope he printed that on the sticker (I haven't even unwrapped it). But yes, I'd be willing to part with it, since I have two. :)

Sir William:
So is a mail standard like a mantle, the mail equivalent to a plate gorget?

Sir Edward:

Yep, it's more like gorget than a mantle. It just covers the neck, by standing up on it.

Sir Rodney:
Here's a great photograph of Bill Grandy's riveted mail standard.

There's some good information, photographs and links in this myArmoury post as well.


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