Main > The Armoury

chicks in armour


Sir Wolf:  about 1/2 down the page. wow great armour. Pamela, you should try to find out where this lady got her armour. 

Sword Chick:
Pretty darn cool!  8)

Sir Edward:

Great photography in that thread! Haha... I know some of those folks. Heck, Kat is in one of them that I've spotted so far (but you only see her back).

Das Bill:
Whoa, I knew one of those girls in high school! Crazy.

Back on subject, yes, that does appear to be a really beautiful harness (from what I can see of it). Wish we could see more of it.

Sir Edward:

I'm going to try to see if I can get more info on it. Kat might be seeing her at one of the rehearsals.


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