Main > The Armoury

New 1/2 Gauntlets

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Sir William:
The cuff looks like it could be 10/12 oz leather...which would make it armor grade if the required pieces to support it are also in place.  Depends on the kingdom rules too; it would be for some but maybe not others.

SCA wise they are not enough out here (West) as they do not cover the thumb.

Sir Brian:
They are the armor grade 1/2 gauntlets but I use them more for show than actual fighting...I have the armor grade clamshell gauntlets for that. :)

how did you do the maille on the gloves cause that's kinda cool!

Sir Brian:
I used a 1' square sheet of welded rings from the RingLord and stiched along the cuff and cut the maille as I stiched the rest around the fingers. :)


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