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Sir Brian:

IMO it is the epitome of vanity and hypocrisy to use hateful and volatile grandstanding as a demonstration of defending your faith. I am sure it is best to just present your testimony of why you believe what you believe and let God do the converting and saving.

Sir Edward:

Yeah, it's a pretty ridiculous set of circumstances. People who try to promote their faith by using hateful methods are doing no one, not even themselves, any sort of favor. And of course the media is all too happy to put a microphone in front of anyone who spouts hatred, when silence is the best medicine.

And let us not forget that when a violent crime occurs, such as from those insurgents mention in the article, it's the criminals that actually perpetrate the crime, no matter who they were listening to.

All the finger-pointing is pretty useless, but I think all of the parties mentioned above have done separate despicable things.

Sir William:
Jones knew what he was doing when he burnt the Koran; put his church on the map, his face in the papers and he gets to strike a blow for 'the cause'...whatever that may be.  It never ceases to amaze me- all of the Big Three religions call for religious tolerance and peace among men and yet, the clarion call to arms for Holy War is still heard and answered by a great many people, of all three faiths and more besides.

Do I think Pastor Jones to blame?  Maybe he's a little more to blame than me, but when is assigning blame ever going to help a cause?  I think those 'insurgents' as the article suggests, just bided their time to make their hit.  That this occurred was just the spurring impetus to get the ball rolling.  IMO.

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2011-04-02, 15:02:51 ---All the finger-pointing is pretty useless, but I think all of the parties mentioned above have done separate despicable things.

--- End quote ---

Agreed, sometimes there is TOO much depth into "why" someone is responsible for the death(s) of others. Sometimes it really has nothing to do with being protestant, jewish, catholic, christian, atheist, english, japanese, chinese, male, female, vampire, werewolf, or whatever other category they want to lump people into.

Sometimes people are just evil. There's no how or why to it, it's just how they are. And those people need to be dealt with accordingly, without putting a group label on them and looking for a group to blame.

As they said about 900 years ago in the Albigensian Crusade ... "Kill them all. God will know his own."

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2011-04-04, 18:44:33 ---Sometimes people are just evil. There's no how or why to it, it's just how they are. And those people need to be dealt with accordingly, without putting a group label on them and looking for a group to blame.

--- End quote ---

That's a good point, and to expand on it, sometimes the effort to understand and unravel the reasoning that people used leads down the wrong path. As an example... let's say someone murders a store clerk over a loaf of bread. Let's further say that the killer wasn't starving, or poor, and his reason was "I didn't like the way he looked at me!" How much prying into his motivations do you do before you lock him up (or execute him)? Or do you let him go because of the emotional hardships in his childhood that allegedly turned him into a remorseless killer?

That latter approach scares me deeply, but there are people in society who think that way.

There was a quote in "Batman Begins" that I really liked: "Criminals thrive on the indulgences of society's understanding." -- Ducard / Ra's Al Ghul

Unfortunately, human nature is what it is. Just as we'll always have individuals who champion worthy causes, there will always be those who are hateful and spiteful. The question come down to which group we choose to reward, and which we choose to punish.


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