Main > The Round Table

Götz of the Iron Hand

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Sir Edward:

Götz von Berlichingen

Gotz was a German knight, who in 1504 was hit in the right hand by a cannon shot which took off his hand, and blasted his sword hilt apart and lodged a portion of it into his arm. He simply got back up, and rode back into camp to find a surgeon. Later he had an iron hand fashioned for him.

Sir William:
I just read that about a true tough guy!

Sir James A:
THAT is a hardcore warrior.

"His prosthetic hand was ahead of its time, being capable of holding objects from a sword to a feather pen."

Looks like Ironman's MkI wasn't the first one. And that was a heck of a smart smith. It looks like the little nubs near the wrist could be what controls the grip.

Sir Wolf:

Sir Brian:
Excellent article and great find Sir Edward! :)


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