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Japanese chivalry or shame?


Sir James A:
Found this posted on the AA:


Sir Edward:

Huh, very interesting. I've only read tidbits about the Yakuza before. This was an interesting article.

Sir William:
Agreed; why shame, though?  Because they're Yakuza?  According to that article, the Yakuza are viewed now much as the Mafia was viewed back in the 60s...a 'necessary evil' if you will, as they kept the Italian and Sicilian populations under control and handled their problems internally.

Sir James A:
I don't know much of anything about the Yakuza in general, other than seeing them in a few movies and video games (Red Steel for Wii). It reminded me somewhat of the article that Sir Edward posted a while back about a couple people who will work with smugglers or other "people of ill repute" in order to achieve a greater goal, so I thought I'd share it - but I don't have a stance one way or another with it. :)

Sir William:
I remember that one, Sir James...for the greater good, was the gist, right?  Nothing shameful in that...and they took it upon themselves to do this w/out any extraneous request; that is true charity.


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